Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover.

A friend of mine sent me these.

Awkward Family Photo, you now have competition from Soviet Dating.com
I'd like to introduce Mr-Casual-Soviet Dude.
Or then there's Mr No-Really,-I'm-a-Talent-Spotter.
Ladies, ladies, ladies try and resist Mr I'm-a-Devil-on-the-Inside?
Unless of course Mr I-Will-Protect-You-for-Eternity-and-Beyond floats your boat?
But then, I'm just confusing you with Mr I'm-Actually-A-Bear, am I not ?

And now here's the scary part.

It's not a dating website.

The agents were on a course on the 'art of disguising'.They were learning how to blend in to society i.e these not only are these pictures serious, these men were deadly.

It just goes to show just because it may look like a goose, sound like a goose and smell like a goose - it doesn't necessary mean that it's a goose.

1 comment:

Tinman said...

Maybe people saw them and died laughing.