Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Ad Brilliance to Share

Every once in a while an ad comes along that you think is gold. And this is one of them.

It's a drink driving ad, paid for by NZTA and they decided that they weren't going to go for the shock tactic on this one.

So you heard the guy, don't go internalising really complicated situations.


Stephanie said...

Apparently this ad is now playing in Oz but I had only heard of it. Now I know how fab it is from an Ozzie POV: humour is so lacking over here. And the phrase 'internalising a complicated situation' is moving into every day speech! Thanks for posting it. Made my day.

PS there is a great KIA car ad, with the driver wearing shades and doing that kiwi thing of the upward nod to acknowledge others. The pause at the end is just brilliant. I'm sure you'd laugh too.

laughykate said...

Thank you Stephanie! Shall go and hunt it out.

Your cousin said...

Was talking to the person responsible for the ad... and the "ghost chips" comment was a complete ad-lib - great talent!

laughykate said...

Really??!! That's outstanding!