Friday, March 02, 2012

Wizards and Magic Stuff

I attempted, in my last post, to rave about the Shazam App that my brother has introduced into my world. However I got trapped in a waltz down memory lane with Great Uncle Jeffery and never quite got around to it.

In a nutshell this is the App that pushed me over the How-do-they-invent-this-shit? edge. The Please-Make-It-Stop edge. The If-you-carry-on-like-this-I-shall-never-leave-the-house edge.

I'm imagining I'm potentially already preaching to the converted but there must be at least one of you who won't have heard of it, yet. (My mother reads this blog).

What you do is, when you hear a song that you don't know the name of, you click on your Shazam App, put your phone close to the music source for a bit. Your phone has a listen, thinks for a bit and then comes up with the name of the song (in my case, Train -Drive By).

Oh yeah.

THEN, all you need to do is push the download link and the nice people at Apple, for a small fee, will give you the song. And then you get to listen to it until you're thoroughly sick of it.

It's magic, I'm telling you and it's messing with my head.

But then, I suppose I shouldn't wind myself up about it too much, I bet nobody really understood electricity, back in the 1700s.


Stephen Stratford said...

Next time you come and impose on us (I mean stay here, you are always welcome) let's try some King Crimson or Zappa Stockhausen on it and mess with its pointed little head.

Jo said...

I STILL don't understand electricity. I have fears about being transported back in time and having to explain it to primitive people. I have no idea how. Wires and magic...

laughykate said...

Brother-in-law,I like the idea of messing with its head.

Jo,I am hearing you. Electricity shall remain as much as a mystery to me as Shazam is!

Behind the Barr said...

This has been a revelation to me Cousin Kate, apps are a world I have yet to enter... one day I may update my trusty Nokia 6120 to iphone utopia and join the modern age and obtain Shazam (which appeals to my musically challenged mind).

laughykate said...

Go on!!! You will love it! I am sure you are not as technically challenged as me and I can navigate that world.

Tinman said...

I've never heard of it either (hi, Laughykate's mum). Does it work if you hum the only tiny bit of the song you can remember into it?

laughykate said...

Tinman, I had the same thought as I was attempting to sing (read:butchering) a song to a friend.

And I managed to delete instead of publish your comment on my meat bombing post. (Mental note to self: shouldn't try and publish comments from an iPhone).

Tinman said...

That's a pity, fellow LK fans, because it was possibly the funniest, cleverest comment anyone has ever made on any blog, anywhere, ever. And it possibly wasn't.

laughykate said...

But I found it on another computer sitting there and cut and paste it ! Heh, technology eh?

Anonymous said...

There's a free app called SoundHound, where you can actually hum to it and it figures out the song (Shazam only picks up music sources). Ooooer.

laughykate said...

You. Are. Kidding. Me.

Guess where I'm off to now?