Saturday, March 19, 2011

When you put it like that...

I was reading Newsweek and stumbled upon these words from Simon Winchester.

'In calmer times we invariably forget the most stern and chilling of mantras hold, quite simply, that mankind inhabits this earth subject to geological consent, which can be withdrawn at any time.'

Kind of makes you realise that if there were to be the Humans vs Geology Grand Slam, we would be the underdogs.


Jo said...

Well, yeah. I don't know why we think anyone else. And then we blame god? It's strange.

laughykate said...


Stephanie said...

Just to show my age, I can remember the population theory current in the early 70s which claimed all force majeur disasters were Nature's way of reducing the world population. I have no idea what has happened to that theory or its adherents in the intervening years, but it seemed to be quite potent. Example: India/Bangalasdesh was flooded regularly with enormous loss of life, in the millions.

laughykate said...

Really? Some people's brains are very scary....

laughykate said...

Really? Some people's brains are very scary....