Monday, December 03, 2012

Some days I love being me.

Text this morning from my cousin:

'Bet your day started better than mine. Message to self:strawberry daiquiris should not be consumed on a Sunday. Popped into girls' room at 6.30 a.m. Smells a bit odd. Smallest had vomited in bed in the night. Smallest has long hair. Immense credit that I didn't just tiptoe right back out of there. Coffee.'


Jo said...

This happened to a friend the other night after a really, really long day of school fair preparation. One glass of wine, up to bed, child asleep and covered in puke...

This morning I'm sitting here wondering what to do as my daughter's socks feel too uncomfortable...

the moral is...

Anonymous said...

That's why it's best to sleep in a tree. All your night-time excretions fall on the hostile beasts below.

I love the smell of vomit in the morning.

laughykate said...

Jo, you just say 'covered in puke' and I feel sympathy!

Anonymous, sleeping in a tree....crafty...