Monday, April 07, 2008

I've moved!

And welcome to my new home!

I've still got to get around to getting the pictures up and working out how all the new appliances work and for a while I'll still be living between two houses (here and but will be spending most of my time knocking the new place into shape.

The reason I had a website was cause Sunshine, my brother, was thinking I would be needing fancy schmancy cyber setup to flog my book. However, since it's still being considered by a publishing house in Australia I am thinking that I won't be needing any uber flash techology anytime soon. Besides, I needed a change of scenery.

The unfortunate thing is that I am as cyber-literate and technology-capable as a piece of wood (hell, I still want to throw a party each time I make the toaster work), so it could take a while. Please bear with me.

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