The health system isn’t perfect but few of us question it.
The car is a great place to cry.
Health is impossible to buy.
Doctors give you their educated opinion not a guarantee. Don’t treat it as such.
If someone makes you cry in public changing the subject is good.
If someone makes you cry in private its nice if they cry with you.
Things may or may not happen for a reason. Regardless of this, they happen all the same.
How you react to what has happened is something you can control, even if it feels like you cant sometimes.
Its possible to feel like you are doing great, and terrible at the same time.
You will probably not die instantly in an accident, so stop fooling yourself that the crap you put in your body isn’t going to matter.
Its nice to think something we call coincidence is not that at all.
Dying people have really silly regrets too – so let yours go, no one else probably even cares.
We spend more money on our car than our health.
TV, Games, Facebook and Work are probably forever, the one laying next to you at night definitely isn’t.
Its possible to feel like you are doing great, and terrible at the same time.
You will probably not die instantly in an accident, so stop fooling yourself that the crap you put in your body isn’t going to matter.
Its nice to think something we call coincidence is not that at all.
Dying people have really silly regrets too – so let yours go, no one else probably even cares.
We spend more money on our car than our health.
TV, Games, Facebook and Work are probably forever, the one laying next to you at night definitely isn’t.
Nearly twelve months ago she lost her partner - incredibly swiftly and brutally - to stomach cancer.
He was a fit, strapping fire fighter.
And he wasn't even thirty.
I was reading along chowing down on crappy fast food thinking "right on!"
Then I got to "You will probably not die instantly in an accident, so stop fooling yourself that the crap you put in your body isn’t going to matter."
Now the crappy lunch, a day old sub sandwich, that required a gallon of mayonnaise to be remotely palatable, which I bought at the school cafeteria in desperation (my planned meal from home, Quaker Oat Squares cold cereal, got the kibosh due to the fact that the cafeteria no longer sells milk) is mocking me.
Food mocking you. I'm liking that Janie - can I steal it? Not only can it seduce you, it can also mock.
Food can be a real bitch.
If you really feel it's worthy of stealing, it's yours. But, if I give it to you, then it's not really stealing, is it?
The further down the list I got the more I started to feel "this isn't going to end well.
Your poor friend, and her partner.
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