I've been sitting on this story for some weeks now. You may have already heard it, as no doubt it's urban mythed its way around the world (and is now a feature film starring Danny DeVito and Michael Douglas).
I think it's funny as hell, but that's only because I'm not remotely involved in any way with any one associated with the tale - it's a two degrees of separation number for me.However it appears Karma has a sense of humour and it has come back to bite me on the arse, but more of that later.
The main guy, let's call him Officer Bob ( Michael Douglas) was at work and he got a call from his Down's syndrome brother, 'I've caught a troll ! I've caught a troll!' His younger brother excitedly told him.
Now Officer Bob didn't believe his brother, but during the course of the morning he got a few more of these calls. His brother is a big guy and he lives on his own. So when Officer Bob was out cruising the streets he thought he should just swing by just to check everything was okay.
He went in to his brother's house and he heard a banging sound.
His brother rushed to him excitedly and exclaimed, 'I've caught a troll! I've been feeding it chocolate biscuits !Look!'
Officer Bob followed the banging sound to a wardrobe. He opened the door.....and inside was.....a dwarf.
I would imagine - by this stage - a somewhat angry dwarf (Danny DeVito). I'm sorry, but chocolate biscuits or no chocolate biscuits, a wardrobe's no place to be - especially when you've been put there against your will.
But I love this story, I think it's the naive delighted innocence of the Down's guy.
Yeah I know, not so much fun for the dwarf.
And I'd really like to say that's where the story ends.
But, oh no, there's more.
Anyway, I've told this story to two groups of friends and both, totally independently of each other, have pointed to me at the end of the story and squealed with delight, 'Troll!' Then fell about in peals of laughter.
And then taken off on a tsunami of troll jokes, all featuring me. 'Do trolls have opposable thumbs?' Yup, my friends are a riot.
My cousin's husband immediately reached for his phone and renamed me 'Troll' - having said that, I was already in there under Swampbeast. The
And then I got a text from my cousin last week:
'Father to daughter. Who put that toothpaste on the blind?'
Minikate (7): 'Trollkate, or Princesstrollkate. What do we call her?'
Sigh. Two words, fully and screwed.