Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Further to my Last Post

Further to the conversation I told you about in my last post, I received this email from the bloke I had the conversation with:

On 25/05/12 2:31 PM, "A Director" @companyIwork for.com> wrote:

Just letting you know InsertnameofEditor and I have decided it’s in the company’s best interests to adopt EDRS for Showwemake. Insertnamesofanother Director & Editor are already using the Edit Decision Review System successfully. EDRS is an internationally recognised benchmark for quality television production allows for only one change per episode. It’s very cheap and amazingly quick to install.

However if you do wish to proceed, use EDRS  sparingly because the system allows for one decision or change only per episode. Whatever layers of bureaucracy you report to, are not necessarily anything to do with us or the Union (See Insertnameofanother Editor working for company).

To which I replied:

On 25/05/12 2:44 PM, "Laughy Kate" @companyIworkfor.com> wrote:

Just letting you and Editor  know that I have just  had approved by management WKSGM for  Insertnameofshowwemake, effective immediately. 

WKSGM is also an internationally recognised benchmark for quality television production and if you’re not familiar with it – it is an acronym for What Kate Says Goes, Motherfuckers. 

I hope you will enjoy  this cutting edge, exciting initiative as much as I will. 


Your cousin said...

Do they have WKSGM in W*Your Cousin*SGM? Cos I could so use that. I'm assuming it is a crossover internationally benchmarked app, and can be used in whichever bureaucracy you find yourself in?

I think you're on to something here...

laughykate said...

Most definitely. Working on the APP as we speak...

Yoursister said...

I really hope they're enjoying this cutting edge exciting initiative as much as I enjoyed reading about it.

laughykate said...

Oh, they're enjoying it, alright. Through their clenched teeth, they're loving it.

Janie Jones said...

Will the WKSGM protocols utilize FIRP? I think that in light of recent issues a Flatulence Identification and Removal Program may well be in order. After all, WKSGM!

laughykate said...

I'm LOVING FIRP! Sensational.