Monday, May 17, 2010

At the risk of stirring old broth...

..what did the zero say to the eight?

'Nice belt.'

I'm sorry, but I am a simple fool and I'm not ashamed to admit that that type of joke cracks me up.


Holemaster said...

What did the 0 say to the 1?


Mwa said...

I'm just as simple when it comes to jokes.

laughykate said...

Holemaster, too clever ! You're going to have to explain it to me.

Hiya Mwa! Lovely to hear someone is on the same team as me.

Jo said...

Laughy KAte, it's the same as yours. If an 8 is a 0 with a belt on, a 1 is a skinny 0...

laughykate said...

Duh! Got it ! Thank you,Jo !

Anonymous said...

I've never heard either of those jokes before!

And, like you, didn't get HM's till Jo explained it...

laughykate said...

Thank you Tinman, you make me feel better !

Phil, like it - alot !

Janie Jones said...

Why was the number six afraid?

Because seven eight nine (say it out loud).

laughykate said...

Hey Janie, at least it was a joke I understood !