Saturday, May 29, 2010

Everywhere you go, you take the weather with you.

Right now, in Auckland it's 16 degrees.
In Wellington, it's 11.
In Christchurch, it's 7.
In London, it's 14.
In New York, it's 19.
And in Dublin, it's 12 degrees.

I love my iphone.


Countess said...

It makes the world just that much smaller.

laughykate said...

Countess, but doesn't it ?

Phil, great idea, perhaps they could introduce it on, say, Wednesday nights. Then, when they have that mastered, Thursday could be limerick night etc etc.

Jo said...

Alas, it's also raining. So it looks like no Soul Picnic in the park for us :(

laughykate said...

Bugger! However, I see that you can look forward to sunny Sunday and 17 degrees. But don't try and picnic on Monday or Tuesday, unless you're a duck. Wednesday and Thursday look good, though.

Love from Little Miss Weather Nerd.

Jo said...

I hope so Miss WN, beause I got the day wrong - it's today!!

Went in to find nothing more than a tiny bit of bunting.. .and some general wetness.

laughykate said...

Ducks must love living in Ireland.

vdog said...

It makes me smile that we think it's getting cold here, heading into winter (auckland, of course) but it's still warmer than Dublin. =)

laughykate said...

I know ! And our overnight lows (weather nerd, I accept) - for the coming few days are higher than theirs. Us averaging 14 degrees, them average of 9.

Having said that, Christchurch is looking down the barrel of an average of four degrees.