Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Is it just me....

..or are there other people looking forward to the wireless age ?


Mwa said...

We're just the same. We went wireless for a bit, but I freaked out about the "waves." I know all the neighbours have them too but I just prefer not to add too many. (Nevermind we have a cordless phone, two mobiles and a baby monitor. OCD works in mysterious ways.)

Janie Jones said...

How did you get this picture of my living room floor?!?

SaS said...

Why is your bed plugged in??

laughykate said...

MWA radio waves versus spaghetti junction, it's a tough one.

Janie, it's an international look!

Sas, because of a highly technical electric blanket with hot and cold folding fenceposts.

laughykate said...

I'm with you Phil, and I'll take the brain tumour if I have to as well.

Jo said...

Yeah, I'm scared of the waves too...

laughykate said...

Jo and Phil: waves and tumours -they can really ruin a party.

Holemaster said...

I think you're just showing off that funky seat.

laughykate said...

It's a show pony that seat. It has a tendancy to leap in front of the camera.

Andrew said...

The challenges of technology - wires and how many battery chargers do you have to take on holiday with you? We have gone part wi-fi. All PCs and Macs are wireless to the internet and lo and behold I managed to get all of them linked up wirelessly to the printer. Its a miracle!!

laughykate said...

Hiya Andrew! I salute you! I am so in awe of people who can do that without having to pay someone to do that.