Sunday, February 08, 2009

Australia is burning.

Every once in a while we get shown just how sensationally powerless we can be against the force of Nature.

And arsonists.


Anonymous said...

Amazing picture, LK.

And really? Do they think that was caused by arsonists?

laughykate said...

From the Timesonline...

'Several of the fires are believed to have been deliberately lit, and arsonists are hampering firefighting efforts with some blamed for relighting fires that had already been extinguished.'

It's just too awful.

Anonymous said...

Jesus it's bad alright. Was just watching it on the news there. Can't understand why people do that. The fires were moving so fast that people were trapped and burnt in the their cars trying to escape. Awful.

laughykate said...

They reckon the death toll will go above two hundred. I thought it would have been a primal instinct to try and save people. Fuckers.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?