Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fush and chups.

A significant hangover dictated that fish and chips were recently on the menu. This meal prompted a question that I believe has a very elusive answer.

What amount is the correct amount of chips to order and to eat?

It is a tricky one to get right. Is it better to over order or to under order?

I accept that scientists (or should that be mathematicians or nutritionists) have possibly got more pressing matters to attend to rather than pouring their time and energy into coming up with a formula that calculates exactly the perfect chip-to-people ratio. But it would be quite a handy one to know.

Someone suggested that possibly two chips less than you eat?

That was then upped to be about twelve less than you eat.

Have you ever ordered just the correct amount?

Is there such a thing?

Or shall it just remain one of the World's Greatest Mysteries (along with how many surgeries has Michael Jackson really had and how come my desk always looks like a recycling truck has tipped its contents onto it, yet my house is very tidy?)


baconguy said...

If it is your mate's girlfriend and she agreed that she did not need chips and therefore will not steal yours even though you have offered to buy her a whole portion to stop this possibility then nil. Otherwise a whole portion, or half her hamburger.
Perhaps that is hardline. But it was in the heat of the moment.

laughykate said...

I would argue that it is actually a human impossibility to not have chip when faced with a plate of chips.

Even if they belong to a stranger.

Holemaster said...

I would go for more fish less chip. I have a really good chipper near me who does a great fish cod.

laughykate said...

Mmmmm, something to be said for good fish. My hangover chips were good, however the fish was about as thick as a dishcloth.

Jo said...

heh, fush and chups. Makes me laugh.

An Australian once explained about a NZ accent to me with the way they say LEicester Square: Lista Sqaaay, basically.

But NewZealanders say Leeesta Sqeeeea.


I like to wander into the kitchen and eat the cold ones later, so I say more is better than less.

They do always give ridiculously giant portions though, it's true.

Are chips good in NZ? Did you ever come here, Kate? I'm finding it harder to get nice ones.

Jo said...

heh, fush and chups. Makes me laugh.

An Australian once explained about a NZ accent to me with the way they say LEicester Square: Lista Sqaaay, basically.

But NewZealanders say Leeesta Sqeeeea.


I like to wander into the kitchen and eat the cold ones later, so I say more is better than less.

They do always give ridiculously giant portions though, it's true.

Are chips good in NZ? Did you ever come here, Kate? I'm finding it harder to get nice ones.

laughykate said...

There are some outrageously good ones here. And some very average ones, as well. But I don't do cold ones.

Haven't been to Ireland yet, it's on the list for the not too distant future. I think my problem is that I wouldn't leave, I would just want stay and listen to the accent.

Holemaster said...

Oh you should come over and make a documentary as an excuse to stay for a while. We'll look after you!

laughykate said...

Believe me Holemaster, I am always conjuring up shows that will get me out of the country! Just need to think of a nice NZ angle to an Irish story and I can start pitching!

Megan McGurk said...

I'm not a fan of fried fish, but I have a deep weakness for chips.
How can you pull a long face when you have a plate of them?

laughykate said...

An bowl of hot chips= a bowl of antipated pleasure.

unPC lesbian said...

oh the answer is to totally over order on the chups, you can never have too many chups. The leftover ones just go in the fridge to be quickly reheated in a flat pan the next day when you are recovering from the hangover you got from trying to blank out that fact thatg you ate waaaaay too many chups.

laughykate said...

Reheated in the pan the following day? Wow. I don't think I could do that! To me, cold chips whisper, 'This is why you shouldn't eat too many of us.'